weekly programme

Crossfit dsa!

CrossFit is a strength and conditioning workout that is made up of functional movement performed at a high-intensity level.

Exercises you would find in CrossFit;
- Strength Training
- Mobility and Flexibility
- Bodyweight movements
- High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
- Cardiovascular Exercises

Anyone can do CrossFit regardless of physical restrictions. We’re able to make the sessions adaptive to all abilities!

Courtesy of CrossFit, LLC

Sessions 2025


Auckland Spinal Unit Gym

30 Bairds Road, Otara, Auckland


Wednesday 12th February - Wednesday 25th June


Wednesday 23rd July - Wednesday 3rd December


5:00pm - 6:00pm


$5 for 8-21 years old per session

$10 for 21+ per session

Bulk session purchases available via email. These are only valid in 2025. 

Any questions about this programme please contact maria@disabilitysportauckland.co.nz

Our coaches & qualifications

Aleisha Ritchie - ATA certified & BSR Exercise Science & Nutrition

Maria Ceniza - PT certified & BSc Exercise Science

register for crossfit!

Highlights from 2024!