2017 Parafed Auckland Scholarship Programme Launched
In association with the Carbine Club and the Auckland Paraplegic and Physically Disabled Trust, Parafed Auckland is extremely pleased to launch a new Scholarship Programme to support the next generation of Auckland Paralympians.
This exciting development is been launched off the back of New Zealand's most successful ever Paralympic Games, with the team in Rio finishing 13th overall on the medal table, while ranking number one in the world per head of population.
The new programme has been developed in consultation with Paralympics NZ and is designed to target support to those with the potential to not only attend, but win medals at future Paralympic Games. Parafed Auckland CEO Hamish Meacheam summed up the intent of the programme, "As a grassroots organisation our primary focus has and always will be on supporting athletes to get into sustainable community sport, but thanks to partners such as the Auckland Paraplegic and Physically Disabled Trust, and the Carbine Club, we are very happy to be able to support more of our members to reach the pinnacle of Para-Sport, the Paralympic Games. Having worked closely with Paralympics to develop this programme I'm very confident we will achieve that aim."
To receive more information and request an application pack please email hamishm@parafedauckland.co.nz or call 09 270 2503
Application close on the 1st of November at 4pm.